Every housewife learns to save money. There are many ways of economizing at home. Let us see what can be done to reduce your expenses.
First of all, do not take your car if the distance is one kilometer. Try to walk. You will improve your health and help to care about environment.
The second rule is that you do not buy semi-prepared food. If you prepare meals using fresh potatoes, carrots, meat you can make fantastic dishes.
The third rule is, do not buy fast food. You can prepare tastier and healthier food at home.
The fourth rule says: never buy too many tasty things in little packages. They are the most expensive.
The fifth rule is: use your microwave oven not so often. Warm your meals on the stove. Your meal will be much tastier.
If you want your family to be healthy, prepare soup 3 times a week. It is tasty and highly economical.
Reduce eating fat food. It will help you to be in form all the year round.
Inspection of all the lamps at home and re placement of them for those of smaller capacity will also help to save a substantial amount of money.
Look through your clothes and try to wear your blouses, T-shirts, in different combinations. The result is as if you bought a lot of new cloths.
Just try, and you will find many ways of home economy.